• Self-Employed? Don't Make These 3 Common Tax Mistakes!

    Being self-employed comes with plenty of luxuries, including the ability to set your own schedule and more-or-less be your own boss. However, when you're self-employed, you also face the burden of figuring out your own taxes. Unlike with a traditional employer, who deducts taxes from each paycheck and even keeps track of your income/taxes throughout the year, being self-employed means taking responsibility for this task. If you're relatively new to the world of being self-employed, there are some common tax mistakes that you'll want to be careful to avoid.
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  • Considering Living Abroad? Here's What You Need To Know About Paying Taxes

    There are many reasons why you might consider living in another country while retaining your U.S. citizenship. For example, perhaps you got a job teaching English to children in another country. No matter the reason, it is important to realize that you will likely still need to file and pay your taxes. If you fail to pay your taxes, you could face issues that are best handled by a tax resolution specialist.
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  • 5 Reasons To Hire A Tax Prep Professional

    Tax season stresses out most people. Whether you owe or you're getting a refund, having to file taxes can be an annoyance and it can cause a lot of anxiety. Instead of guessing your way through the tax filing process, it's a good idea to have a tax professional on your side. It can make the whole process so much simpler. Here are the top reasons you should hire a tax prep professional:
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  • Two Reasons The IRS Will Reject Your Adult Dependant Claim

    Contrary to popular belief, you can claim adults as dependants on your taxes and take advantage of the appropriate credits to reduce your tax liability. To prevent fraud, though, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) limits who qualifies for this designation and will reject tax returns that include people who don't fit the requirements. Here are two reasons your tax return may run afoul of the tax agency and how to avoid this.
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  • Beyond Taxes: Four Reasons To Hire A CPA For Your Small Business

    When people think of certified public accountants, they often think of taxes. However, hiring a CPA can be a great benefit for your business, even outside of tax season. Here are some reasons to consider hiring a CPA for your small business. Financial Analysis Your CPA can help you create financial reports and determine your estimated profit and loss, and he or she can help you gain a better understanding of your company's current financial status.
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  • New Business Owner And First Year Filing Taxes? 3 Options To Help You

    If you are a new business owner part of this is paying taxes. It is important that this is done properly, or you could end up owing the IRS a lot of money. Fortunately, there are many things to help you prepare and file your taxes. Below are three of these things, so you can get started. Hire a Tax Accountant One of the best things you can do is hire a tax accountant.
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  • 3 Essential Tax Tips For Small Business Owners

    Being a business owner has its benefits. Not only are you able to make decisions and run the business as you see fit, but you will also act as your own boss, which gives you flexibility and profits. Unfortunately, most new business owners do not have the knowledge or skills needed to handle their taxes. If you are a new owner of a small business, it is time to learn a few essential tips to help you during tax time.
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  • A Guide To Dealing With Your Tax Problems

    In order to make sure that you are addressing any tax issues as they come along, you will need to understand what you are facing and hire the professionals who can assist you. By staying on top of your taxes in this manner, you will be able to avoid penalties and serious legal issues. To this end, read below and apply the following tips, in order to address your tax problems as they come along.
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  • 3 Different Deductions You Can Possibly Take On Your Taxes

    With tax season in full swing, many people are wondering what they can do to save money on taxes and get the most out of their hard-earned money. Seeing a professional tax preparer will be one of the best ways to ensure that you are getting the best deal possible and that you are taking advantage of different credits and deductions available to you. Here are some deductions that you might not know about.
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  • Three Ways A Tax Consultant Can Help You When You Start Your Own Business

    When you start a business, there are many things that you need to consider, but your taxes need to be high on your list of priorities. When you own a business, you are required to pay different taxes than you do as a private individual. It is best to meet with a tax preparation service before you even open the doors to your business to ensure that you are properly prepared.
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